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Our aim is to address the most frequently asked questions in one convenient location.

Below, you'll find a compilation of the queries we encounter most frequently.

If you have additional questions that you believe should be shared with everyone, please inform us, and we'll make sure to include them.

  • How can I become a member of Cobras Basketball Club? Review our Teams section, then visit our session calendar to schedule your £2 trial. Once you've attended a trial we can go ahead and complete the sign up process. Join Us For A Trial HERE

  • Where are the training sessions? Our main venues are Bracknell & Wokingham College, Kings Academy Binfield, Kings Academy Easthampstead Park, Wellington College, Garth Hill School & St Bernards in Slough.

  • What is CVL? The Central Venue League is a local league where junior players from Under 10s to Under 18s play all of their games in one place, without the need for home and away games. This is usually a development league open to players of all abilities.

  • Do I need to buy a kit to play in the CVL matches? No, we can loan kit if you do not have your own. We do always encourage to purchase your own if you play in alot of games. If you would like to buy your own Game Day Kit, please visit our Shop.

  • What is the National League? This is where players of a higher standard compete against clubs from all over the country. This is open to teams from Under 12 upwards.

  • Do I need buy a kit to play in the National League matches? All national league players are required to own their own Game Day Kit & Tracksuit. These can be purchased in our Shop.

  • Can I come and watch games? Yes of course! Follow us on Social media for updates for Game Night details. Facebook & Instagram.

  • How many teams does the Club have? Over 30 individual groups, spanning over CVL & NL across Bracknell & Slough. Preschool, U6 & U8 Mini Ballers Mixed, U10 Mixed, U12 Girls & Boys, U14 Girls & Boys, U16 Girls & Boys, U18 Boys, Mens & Ladies, SEN & Afterschool clubs.

  • Do Cobras have any training for Adults? Yes we have Mens local and National League Teams and Walking Basketball.

  • How do we celebrate our players' achievements? Cobras holds an annual awards evening at the end of the season. Achievements of players, teams or the club are also celebrated and recognised throughout the season in our newsletter under the Monthly Spotlight Section or shared on social media.

  • What is the minimum age someone can come and play? Children as young as preschool can come along and be part of the Cobras Preschool training sessions.

  • How can I become a Sponsor of the Club? Watch our Promo video on our Sponsor page and drop us an email to for more information. 

  • I’m interested in Cobras Basketball Academy at Garth Hill College? Visit our Academy for more details and fill in the form, there is also a link for Garth Hill College to apply for the Sixth Form.

  • How much notice is required to leave the club? CVL players are required to provide to given half a terms notice in writing to end their sessions. National League players commit to the full season, and any requests to leave the team will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

  • Do you offer a Pay As You Go per session? We offer PAYG sessions exclusively for Walking Basketball and SEN classes. CVL sessions are billed on a termly basis split into 2 payments, while the National League programme is billed monthly across the season.

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